“Shimon the Righteous used to say: The world stands on three things; Torah study, prayer and acts of loving-kindness” (Pirkei Avot 1:2)
Splitrockstrategies.com is a Rabbinic Consultancy for promulgating:
- Creativity,
- Innovation,
- and Transformation.
These three nouns with their associated activities are necessary for human survival and spirituality on Spaceship Earth. They are also 21st-century renditions of the traditional Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Chasadim upon which we have been taught the world depends.
- Creativity, we learn from Torah study is our obligation as partners of God for the well-being of the universe.
- Innovation is a requirement of Avodah, prayer — that Jewish worship must be fresh and innovative or it patterns after idol worship.
- Transformation is an appropriate expression of loving-kindness – the process of making ourselves response-able citizens of spaceship earth recognizing and supporting the sanctity of those who dwell on the earth. –
The Split Rock Strategies approach is founded upon the notion of a hammer splitting a rock into many pieces, each sharing aspects of the original rock. This allows for discovery and analysis from multiple perspectives, creating a master or strategic plan for moving forward, and managing the multiple steps of a project towards a goal.
The Rock of Split Rock Strategies is 21st century Jewish Life in cyberspace on spaceship earth.
Splitrockstrategies.com is the initiative of Rabbi Nicolas L. Behrmann (HUC ’71), who as a rabbi and an information technology professional, has played Creative, Innovative and transformational roles, leading global corporation, state government, and synagogue/non-profit projects.