Split Rock Strategies Research Projects

Focus on our Aptitudes – our God-given Credential

The Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation has established aptitudes that characterize our being. Individuals can achieve well-being by using these, while not utilizing our aptitudes can lead to frustration and unhappiness with life.

Applying Peshat, Remez, Derash and Sod interpretation to Digital Photography

The traditional textual interpretation process could be applied to photographs, enriching our appreciation of the depth of understanding that photography can add to our lives

Spaceship Earth Concepts


“Synergy is the only word in our language that means behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the separately observed behaviors of any of the system’s separate parts or any subassembly of the system’s parts.” (Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, page 64 66. (a) Education Axitomation, pages 52-53)

Anticipatory Design

Part of anticipatory design science is “ephemeral- ization – doing more with less.”


Wealth, as defined by R. Buckminster Fuller is: “The measurable degree of forwardly organized environmental control, in terms of quickly convertible energy, capacities, and performance ratioed system capabilities per capita, per diem.” (Ideas and Integrities, page 142) Note that he does not speak in money terms, but rather of energy, capacities and performance.

Structure or Environment Change is Key

“Reform the environment. Don’t attempt to reform man. An adequately organized environment will permit humanity’s original, innate capabilities to become successful.” (29) “Reform of the environment is undertaken with purpose of defrustrating man’s innate capabilities whether the frustration be by the inadequacies of the physical environment or by the coordinated reflexes of other human-induced in those humans by the inadequacies of the environmental advantages.” (Utopia or Oblivion, page 322)

Building on inter-personal relationships

The formula used to establish the number of such inter-personal relationships is:   (n2-N)/2

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