Translations of Terms

Learning Hebrew through one’s relevant vocabulary

תרגומי מונחים

 על ידי 

שיפור תהליכים עסקיים

תכנון אסטרטגי

ניהול פרוייקט

פיתוח תכניות לימודים

הכשרת מתנדבים וצוותים

ניתוח ומימוש טכנולוגיות מידע

  • התערבות במשבר

  • ייעוץ מעבר אישי

  • אימון למנהיגות

  • חונכות נאום קהל

  • שיפור תהליכים עסקיים

  • סדנאות הגדרת יעדים וקונצנזוס

  • איסוף דרישות ותעדוף

  • מחזור חיים של פיתוח מערכת (SDLC


Business Process Improvement

Strategic Planning

Project Management

Curriculum Development

Volunteer and Staff Training

Information Technology Analysis and Implementation

  • Crisis Intervention

  • Individual Transition Counseling

  • Leadership Coaching

  • Mentoring Public Speaking

  • Business Process Improvement

  • Workshops Goal Setting and Consensus

  • Requirements Gathering and Prioritization

  • System Development Life Cycle (SDLC

Jewish Art Resources

The creative art of living Jewish lives that are supported through the intertwining of traditional media of study, prayer, communal worship and life cycle ritual with the range of diverse Arts media that includes but is not limited to jewelry, painting, photography, graphics, film and performance art.

Jewish Art Education

t=jewish%20art  (song of songs… 

Synagogue websites – indicators and stimulators
Website medium as the message
Creativity, innovation and transformation as the 21st century message.

web as art – reform movement

Web Sites using Shul Cloud

Israeli Art Museums

Table of Art Museums in Israel

BarAmBar David Museum for Jewish Art and Judaica
Beer-ShevaNegev Museum of Art
Ein HarodMishkan Museum of Art
Ein HodEin Hod Artists Village
Ein HodNsico Museum of Mechanical Music
Givat ShmuelFetter Museum of Art and Nanoscience
HaifaTikotin Museum of Japanese Art
HazoreaWilfrid Israel Museum
HerzliyaHerzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
HolonDesign Museum Holon
HolonIsraeli Cartoon Museum
HolonIsraeli Center of Digital Artהמרכז_הישראלי_לאמנות
HolonMuseum for the Art of Puppetry
JerusalemAgnon House in Jerusalem
JerusalemChagall Windows at Hadassah
JerusalemHechal Shlomo Jewish Art Museum
JerusalemJerusalem Artist's House
JerusalemMuseum for Islamic Art
JerusalemMuseum of Italian Jewish Art
JerusalemMuseum on the Seam - Socio-Political Contemporary Art Museum
JerusalemTicho House
Petach TikvaPetach Tikva Museum of Art
Rishon LezionAgam Museum
Tel AvivIlana Goor Museum
Tel AvivNachum Gutman Museum of Art
Tel AvivRubin Museum
Tel AvivTel Aviv Museum of Art
Tel AvivTel Aviv University Art Gallery
Ramat Gan The Fetter Museum of Nanoscience and Art
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