Future shock
The historian of the Jewish future Rivkin
Cyber Ohr -Welcome to The Experimental Museum of the Jewish Future
Welcome to the Jewish Experiment
Future shock
The historian of the Jewish future Rivkin
Their idols are silver and gold. The handiwork of man,
A mouth they have but they do not speak,
Eyes they have but they do not see.
Ears they have but they do not hear,
A nose they have but they do not smell.
Their hands-but they do not feel;
Their feet-but they do not walk;
They make not sound with their throat.
(Translation by Robert Alter, The Book of Psalms)
http://splitrockstrategies.com – Overall Thought collector – Creativity, Innovation, Transformation
visualmidrash.com – Rabbi Nicolas Behrmann as Visual Midrashist – Photography
https://visualmidrash.splitrockstrategies.com/midrash/ – Positioning Visual Midrash as Jewish Art
TheJewishExperiment.org – Baseline for experimental approach
https://splitrockstrategies.com/Experiment/ – Revision of Experimental Approach
Yoursacredsmartphone.com – Baseline for Sacred Smartphone Approach
https://sites.google.com/splitrockstrategies.com/pardes/home – Developing Pardes concept
https://sacredsmartphone.splitrockstrategies.com/Smartphone/ – Revision of Sacred Smartphone
The Pardes experiment with split rock thinking
The PaRDeS environment for Jewish encounter
es the Jewish experiment with split rock thinking
The Reinventing Room
Pardes themes and exercises/ games
Visual Literacy
Shallow depth of visualization to bring to mind
The PARDES Digital Beit Midrash of Jewish Future
Ellis Rivkin’s to be Jewish in the future
The PaRDeS Factor
A visual Midrash of a people’s resilience
Using your Sacred Smartphone to find Your PARDES!
The Pardes creativity strategy
Through the cyber orchard
Designing your Pardes.?
The PaRDeS Experiment – Designing your personal amusement park
Moshe Dror
all the above