• Priests in the Persian periodThe Priestly Code is considered the most important source for understanding the work and person of the Persian period priest. The High Priest’s duties included entering the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, bathing, dressing in high priestly garments, and fulfilling propitiatory rites. Priests also gave instructions to the people and officiated at Temple services. 



Entering Jewish History as Experience

“Pick a time:  choose a place: select a mood: conceive an idea: the chances are certain that Jewish history has encompassed it, that some form of Judaism embodied it.    The rationalistic tradition has had its Philos, and its Maimonides: the mystical yearning has pro­duced its Isaac Lurias: the simple religious yearnings of the down­trodden and the illiterates have their Baal Shem Tobs: the austere rigor of the law has had its Joseph Karos and its Vilna Gaons. Poetry, drama, art, historiography, and every variety of literature have found a welcome in some form of Judaism, in some period of Jewish history.    Orthodoxy and heresy, compassion and cruelty, creativity and stagnation, innovation and tradition – indeed the total range of human experience and emotion has manifested itself in Judaism.” 33

“does not fear that he will be stripped of his emotions if he be­comes Maimonides and re-experiences his Judaism: he is not concerned less he abandon rational thinking because he temporarily refeels the mystic fervor of Isaac Luria.   He can be both the Vilna Gaon poring over the folios of the Talmud and the Ba’al Shem Tob who communed with all that is.   He can do all this because he has grasped the fact that Judaism is the historical rendition of man’s groping with life and hence it has been as manifold, contradictory, and conflicting as that groping itself.”21

Judaism as Value-add

 Judaism, as an example, must be seen as a value-added, positive, embracing set of ideas and practices supporting us to live in the world and to actualize constructive change. How such organizing principles are ultimately introduced, embedded, and acculturated represents a major cultural and operational challenge for our community. 

“Reimagining the American Jewish communal model” BySteven Windmueller, Ph.D. https://ejewishphilanthropy.com/reimaging-the-american-jewish-communal-model/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Your%20Daily%20Phil%20May%2030%202024&utm_content=Your%20Daily%20Phil%20May%2030%202024+CID_23d85fb78afa3f2ef4ebb067ab6b82f7&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=Read%20the%20full%20piece%20here

To Life

To L.I.F.E.

  • Living
  • In the
  • Future
  • Effectively

Their idols are silver and gold. The handiwork of man,

A mouth they have but they do not speak,

 Eyes they have but they do not see.

Ears they have but they do not hear, 

A nose they have but they do not smell.

Their hands-but they do not feel;

 Their feet-but they do not walk; 

They make not sound with their throat.

(Translation by Robert Alter, The Book of Psalms)

Experimental sites

http://splitrockstrategies.com – Overall Thought collector – Creativity, Innovation, Transformation

visualmidrash.com – Rabbi Nicolas Behrmann as Visual Midrashist – Photography

https://visualmidrash.splitrockstrategies.com/midrash/ – Positioning Visual Midrash as Jewish Art

TheJewishExperiment.org – Baseline for experimental approach

https://splitrockstrategies.com/Experiment/ – Revision of Experimental Approach

Yoursacredsmartphone.com – Baseline for Sacred Smartphone Approach

https://sites.google.com/splitrockstrategies.com/pardes/home – Developing Pardes concept

https://sacredsmartphone.splitrockstrategies.com/Smartphone/ – Revision of Sacred Smartphone

Pardes Experiments

The Pardes experiment with split rock thinking


The PaRDeS environment for Jewish encounter

es the Jewish experiment with split rock thinking

The Reinventing Room

Pardes themes and exercises/ games

Visual Literacy

Shallow depth of visualization to bring to mind

The PARDES Digital Beit Midrash of Jewish Future

Ellis Rivkin’s to be Jewish in the future 

The PaRDeS Factor

A visual Midrash of a people’s resilience 


Using your Sacred Smartphone to find Your PARDES!

The Pardes creativity strategy

Through the cyber orchard 

Designing your Pardes.? 

The PaRDeS Experiment – Designing your personal amusement park