| Center for Transformative Undergraduate Experiences | TTU | https://www.depts.ttu.edu/true/undergraduate-research-conference/home/ | | |
2020 Jewish Impact Investing Summit | jlensnetwork | https://www.jlensnetwork.org/2020-jewish-impact-investing-summit | | |
5 Forgotten Female Artists Deemed Degenerate By The Nazis - Art | https://culturacolectiva.com/art/forgotten-female-artist-considered-degenerated-nazis | | |
A Jewish Photographer Buried These Photos So Nazis Wouldn’t Find Them, And They’ll Break Your Heart (NSFW) | Bored Panda | https://www.boredpanda.com/holocaust-lodz-ghetto-photography-henryk-ross/?utm_source=r.search.yahoo&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=organic | | |
A Lifetime Collection of Jewish Artifacts Finds a Home | https://www.flatlandkc.org/commentary/a-lifetime-collection-of-jewish-artifacts-finds-a-home/ | | |
A Page of Talmud | https://people.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/TalmudPage.html | | |
About | ELI TALKS | https://elitalks.org/about | | |
About | The Jewish People Policy Institue | http://jppi.org.il/en/about/ | | |
About FuturiZe - Lx FuturiZe | http://www.lx-futurize.eu/about-futurize | | |
About I-CORE | Da'at Hamakom | http://www.daat-hamakom.com/about-i-core/ | | |
About Morris Shapiro | Who Killed Art? | https://morrisshapiro.wordpress.com/about-me/ | | |
Agamographs: In the style of... Yaakov Agam – Soulworks Studio and Counseling Services | https://soulworksstudio.wordpress.com/2014/01/06/agamographs-in-the-style-of-yaakov-agam/ | | |
Aggada-Syllabus-201718-Fall-Semester | http://israelxp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Aggada-Syllabus-201718-Fall-Semester.pdf | | |
All Products - Microsoft Support | https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/all-products | | |
Amazon Photos | https://www.amazon.com/photos?sf=1/ref=s9_acss_bw_cg_phlpnhr_1a1_w?ref_=BN_US_E_P_P_A_CD_CG_917_sn65q3j2&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_r=AGWAJW45C1GJ8MXCXR8X&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=3d69f4fe-3676-44a1-a63e-079b0dd03e13&pf_rd_i=13234696011 | | |
Apps Portal | https://portal.huc.edu/AppsPortal/huc/;jsessionid=3561B2BA141E6BF74E29BD6010D27F36 | | |
Aptitude Testing and Research since 1922 | Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation | https://www.jocrf.org/ | | |
Aqedah: Midrash as Visualization | Journal of Textual Reasoning | http://jtr.shanti.virginia.edu/volume-2-number-1/aqedah-midrash-as-visualization/ | | |
ARTICULATING KOHELETH | LABA | https://labajournal.com/2015/08/articulating-koheleth/ | | |
Association of Jewish Libraries - Jewish Values Finder | https://jewishlibraries.org/content.php?page=Jewish_Values_Finder | | |
Atiq: Jewish Maker Institute | https://www.atiqmakers.org/ | | |
Beit HaYotzer/the Creativity Braintrust - Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion | http://huc.edu/academics/become-leader-in-jewish-education/beit-hayotzerthe-creativity-braintrust | | |
Berit Engen WEFT and D'RASH – A Thousand Jewish Tapestries : ABOUT MY PROJECT | https://www.beritengen.com/about-my-project- | | |
Bernard Museum – Judaica Collection | Temple Emanu-El | https://www.emanuelnyc.org/judaica-collection/ | | |
Best 60 Jewish Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021 | https://blog.feedspot.com/jewish_podcasts/ | | |
Biblical Performance Criticism Home | https://www.biblicalperformancecriticism.org/index.php | | |
Bibliodrama - Anita Silvert | https://www.anitasilvert.com/bibliodrama.html | | |
Biography of Yaacov Agam (1928-VVVV) - TheBiography.us | https://thebiography.us/en/agam-yaacov | | |
Bless Our Workforce - Bless Our Workforce | https://blessourworkforce.com/ | | |
Bringing Transformative Experiences to Your Customers | https://www.americanexpress.com/en-us/business/trends-and-insights/articles/bringing-transformative-experiences-customers/ | | |
Bulldog Drummond | The Architecture of Transformative Experience | http://bulldogdrummond.com/blog/the-architecture-of-transformative-experience | | |
Business Planning - Coachella Valley Small Business Development Center | https://coachellavalleysbdc.org/services/business-planning/ | | |
Buy a License for BSC Designer - Balanced Scorecard Software | https://bscdesigner.com/buy-bscdesigner | | |
Canvas - CANVAS | https://bycanvas.org/ | | |
cba.mit.edu/news/index.html | http://cba.mit.edu/news/index.html | | |
Center for Jewish Art | https://cja.huji.ac.il/browser.php | | |
Center for Prayer and Spirituality | B'nai Jeshurun | https://www.bj.org/spiritual-life/center-for-prayer-and-spirituality/ | | |
Collections Database | http://museums.fivecolleges.edu/detail.php?museum=all&t=objects&type=ext&f=&s=&record=3&maker=Agam&op-earliest_year=%3E%3D&op-latest_year=%3C%3D | | |
Collections on JSTOR | https://www.jstor.org/site/collection-list/?utm_campaign=OBwelcome_032021&utm_medium=email&utm_source=SendGrid | | |
Community Tool Box | https://ctb.ku.edu/en | | |
Concert for Healing | IVRIM | https://www.jewswithoutborders.org/healing | | |
Contact | Jewish Artist Center – Jewish Artist Center | https://jewishartistcenter.org/ | | |
COVID19.CA.GOV | https://covid19.ca.gov/ | | |
CULTURE: Visual Arts | https://mfa.gov.il/mfa/aboutisrael/culture/pages/culture- visual arts.aspx | | |
Cyber Or-20 Cyber Kehillah-3 Social networking | https://israelseen.com/2009/06/24/cyber-or-20-cyber-kehillah-3-social-networking/ | | |
Degenerate Art | https://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust/arts/artdegen.htm | | |
Degenerate Art - 1993, The Nazis vs. Expressionism (With English Subtitles) with subtitles | Amara | https://amara.org/en/videos/7qt8s7eXfNyA/en/651925/ | | |
Degenerate Art – Visual Propaganda: Ideology in Art | https://ideologicalart.com/fascism/degenerate-art/ | | |
Degenerate art : the fate of the avant-garde in Nazi Germany | https://archive.org/stream/degenerateartfa00barr/degenerateartfa00barr | | |
Degenerate art : the fate of the avant-garde in Nazi Germany : Barron, Stephanie, 1950- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive | https://archive.org/details/degenerateartfa00barr/page/314 | | |
Degenerate Art (Catalog) | The Palestine Poster Project Archives | http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/degenerate-art-catalog | | |
Degenerate Art | MoMA | https://www.moma.org/calendar/exhibitions/3868 | | |
Degenerate Art Concert | https://pittsburghfestivalopera.org/whats-on/degenerate-art-concert | | |
Degenerate Art Exhibition - When Hitler Declared War on Modern Art | https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/degenerate-art-exhibition-hitler-war-art.html | | |
Degenerate Art: The Attack on Modern Art in Nazi Germany, 1937 | Neue Galerie NY | https://www.neuegalerie.org/degenerate-art-attack-modern-art-nazi-germany-1937 | | |
Degenerate Art. 75th Anniversary of the Exhibition in Germany | http://modernartconsulting.ru/en/2012/07/degenerate-art/ | | |
Desert Interfaith Council | https://www.desertinterfaith.org/ | | |
Designing the Space to Cultivate Creative Capacity - eJewish Philanthropy | https://ejewishphilanthropy.com/designing-the-space-to-cultivate-creative-capacity/?utm_source=Nov+26%2C+2019&utm_campaign=Tues+Nov+26&utm_medium=email | | |
Digging Deep into the Bible - J Art Blog | http://jaefilmcorp.org/J-Art-Blog/digging-deep-into-the-bible.html | | |
Discovery Institute | Public policy think tank advancing a culture of purpose, creativity, and innovation. | https://www.discovery.org/ | | |
Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror z"l - Judaism: Into the 21st. Century | https://israelseen.com/2019/04/20/dr-rabbi-moshe-dror-zl-judaism-into-the-21st-century/ | | |
Dvarim | http://www.art-marleneburns.com/dvarim.html | | |
E-DAF.com Meilah 35A | http://www.e-daf.com/ | | |
Embodied Pardes — Embodied Jewish Learning | https://embodiedjewishlearning.org/about | | |
Encountering the Jewish Future: With Wiesel, Buber, Heschel, Arendt, and Levinas | Logos Bible Software | https://www.logos.com/product/26752/encountering-the-jewish-future-with-wiesel-buber-heschel-arendt-and-levinas | | |
English - הבצפר | https://habetzefer.co.il/english/ | | |
Finding Ourselves In Biblical Narratives – What's in it for me? | https://findingourselvesinbiblicalnarratives.net/ | | |
Four Entered Paradise | http://ascentofsafed.com/cgi-bin/ascent.cgi?Name=pardes | | |
FUTURES BIBLE – Introduction by Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror | https://israelseen.com/2007/06/03/futures-bible-introduction-by-dr-rabbi-moshe-dror-phd/ | | |
Futurizing the Jews | Alternative Futures for Meaningful Jewish Existence in the 21st Century | https://optimisticjew.wordpress.com/ | | |
Gematria value of pardes is 240 - English, Hebrew and Simple Gematria Calculator Values | https://www.gematrix.org/?word=pardes | | |
GHDI - Document | http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/sub_document.cfm?document_id=1578 | | |
Google Photos | https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=lh2&passive=1209600&osid=1&continue=https://photos.google.com/u/0/photo/AF1QipOgT0sGLOviRLCj53-x4gHdTwH_i1E_Ba637jVB&followup=https://photos.google.com/u/0/photo/AF1QipOgT0sGLOviRLCj53-x4gHdTwH_i1E_Ba637jVB | | |
Google Scholar | https://scholar.google.com/ | | |
Google Surveys - Your Surveys | https://surveys.google.com/your-surveys?category=example | | |
GuideStar Search | https://www.guidestar.org/search | | |
Haier Israel Innovation Center | http://hope.haier.com/hope_web/israel/ | | |
Hebrew #Pardes – #Garden – Yvette van Niekerk | https://yvettevn007.wordpress.com/2017/06/27/hebrew-pardes-garden/ | | |
HHF Factpaper: Jews in Photography | http://www.hebrewhistory.info/factpapers/fp007_photo.htm | | |
Hire Us — The Jewish Studio Project | https://www.jewishstudioproject.org/hire-jsp | | |
History - UpStart | https://upstartlab.org/about/history/ | | |
Home - Jewcy | https://jewcy.com/ | | |
Home - Milken Archive of Jewish Music | https://www.milkenarchive.org/ | | |
Home - Orot - Orot | https://orot.com/ | | |
Home - The Blue Dove Foundation | https://thebluedovefoundation.org/ | | |
Home - The Schechter Institutes, Jerusalem Israel | https://schechter.edu/ | | |
Home » Kevah | https://kevah.org/ | | |
Home | Artandkabbalah1 | https://alejandrodron.wixsite.com/artandkabbalah1 | | |
Home | Avi Jorisch | http://avijorisch.com/ | | |
Home | Mobius Design | https://mobiusdesign.co.il/ | | |
Home Page - @CCTCHSart | https://graphcomm.weebly.com/home-page/category/agamograph | | |
Home page | Israel Innovation | https://innovationisrael.org.il/en/ | | |
Home Page | Nathan Cummings Foundation | http://www.nathancummings.org/ | | |
How the Brits Refuted Nazi Germany’s ‘Degenerate Art' Exhibition | Smart News | Smithsonian | https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-brits-refuted-nazi-germanys-degenerate-art-exhibition-180969359/ | | |
How To Build an Online Course With Tutor LMS and Elementor | Elementor | https://elementor.com/blog/tutor-lms-online-course/?utm_source=Elementor&utm_campaign=19ffabaf0f-Magazine_65-Free&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_34c18994e0-19ffabaf0f-150001614 | | |
https://db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net/en/Degenerate_art | https://db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net/en/Degenerate_art | | |
https://openlibrary.org/account/login | https://openlibrary.org/account/login | | |
https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/47365/file/pardes26.pdf | https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/47365/file/pardes26.pdf | | |
https://www.ameinu.net/publicationfiles/7_Summer2004.pdf | https://www.ameinu.net/publicationfiles/7_Summer2004.pdf | | |
https://www.jsurge.org/contact/ | https://www.jsurge.org/contact/ | | |
https://www.ou.org/torah/files/pardes_when_should_we_stop_hating.pdf | https://www.ou.org/torah/files/pardes_when_should_we_stop_hating.pdf | | |
https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/2020-03/Kabbalat%20Shabbat%20and%20Maariv%20SIDDUR%20LEV%20SHALEM%202.pdf | https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/2020-03/Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv SIDDUR LEV SHALEM 2.pdf | | |
https://www.theicenter.org/sites/default/files/resources/jewish_lens_curriculum.pdf | https://www.theicenter.org/sites/default/files/resources/jewish_lens_curriculum.pdf | | |
HUC JSP | https://jsp.huc.edu/Citrix/StoreWeb/ | | |
iCloud | https://www.icloud.com/ | | |
IFTF: Home | https://www.iftf.org/home/ | | |
IMAGES | Brill | https://brill.com/view/journals/ima/ima-overview.xml?contents=toc-34057 | | |
In spirit of Jewish tradition, Israeli tech casts global 'rays of light' | The Times of Israel | https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-spirit-of-jewish-tradition-israeli-tech-casts-global-rays-of-light/ | | |
Innovation and Creativity Institute: Where Joy + Creativity Meet Business Growth | https://innovationandcreativityinstitute.com/ | | |
Interfaith Council - Google Drive | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1loazx_jXqmAnr6sAmCVR-SIu1EOpIYIj | | |
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine | https://archive.org/ | | |
Israel Seen Podcast Blogs Zionism Judaism Jewish Jew News | https://israelseen.com/ | | |
January 2020 — Jewish Renaissance | https://www.jewishrenaissance.org.uk/january-2020 | | |
jerusalem institute for policy research - Google Search | https://www.google.com/search?q=jerusalem+institute+for+policy+research&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari | | |
Jewish American Heritage Month | https://www.jahm.us/ | | |
Jewish Apps - Jewish Content and Tools for Your Mobile Phones and Tablets | https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/2192548/jewish/Jewish-Apps.htm | | |
jewish art archives - Google Search | https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=jewish+art+archives&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 | | |
Jewish Art Salon | International artists & scholars group that promotes contemporary Jewish visual art | https://jewishartsalon.org/ | | |
Jewish Democratic Council of America | https://jewishdems.org/ | | |
Jewish Lens | Beit Hatfutsot | https://www.bh.org.il/education/jewish-lens/ | | |
Jewish Lens printed out Lesson 1: Reading a Photograph | The Jewish Lens | http://www.jewishlens.org/lesson/lesson-one/ | | |
Jewish Lights: Midrash & Medicine | http://www.jewishlights.com/page/product/978-1-58023-484-9 | | |
Jewish Pedagogies Circle - The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education | https://ieje.org/jewish-pedagogies-circle/ | | |
Jewish Texts online - Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion | http://huc.edu/research/libraries/guides/digital | | |
Jewish Wellness Center of North Jersey | http://jewishwellness.net/ | | |
Jews and Photography - Commentary | https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/jews-and-photography/ | | |
jlensnetwork | https://www.jlensnetwork.org/ | | |
JNS.org - Jewish News Syndicate | https://www.jns.org/ | | |
Judaism and Visual Art | Oxford Research Encyclopedias | https://oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.001.0001/acrefore-9780199340378-e-98 | | |
Lab/Shul – An artist-driven, everybody-friendly, God-optional, pop up, experimental community for sacred Jewish gatherings. | https://labshul.org/ | | |
Leichtag Foundation | San Diego Jewish Non-Profit Organization | https://leichtag.org/ | | |
Marketing Platform Home | https://marketingplatform.google.com/home?authuser=0 | | |
Math Art Idea: Make an Agamograph - Babble Dabble Do | https://babbledabbledo.com/math-art-idea-make-an-agamograph/ | | |
Mel Alexenberg | http://melalexenberg.com/ | | |
Morfix Dictionary מילון ותרגום מורפיקס | aptitude תרגום | https://www.morfix.co.il/aptitude | | |
Moshe Dror, Futurist Rabbi | https://israelseen.com/2011/05/29/moshe-dror-futurist-rabbi/ | | |
Na'aleh · The Hub For Leadership Learning | https://naalehbaltimore.org/ | | |
New Mexico Department of Information Technology - NM DoIT | https://www.doit.state.nm.us/ | | |
Nick's Shared Videos | https://sites.google.com/view/nicks-shared-videos/home | | |
NM Pera | https://perass.state.nm.us/SelfService/SSSACurrentPensionDtls.action?event=R_generate1099R&dialog_id=DState_44&acty_id=9273046&jcltReferer=%2FviewPage%3Fcomponent%3D%2Fjsp%2Fsecure%2Fretiree%2Fpayroll%2FcurrentPensionDtls.jsp&FiscalYear=2019&Irs1099RId=3742645 | | |
On the spiritual in art : First complete English translation, with four full colour page reproductions, woodcuts and half tones : Kandinsky, Wassily, 1866-1944 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive | https://archive.org/details/onspiritualinart00kand/page/34/mode/1up | | |
One8 Foundation – One8 Foundation | https://www.one8.org/ | | |
Online FTP tester | https://ftptest.net/ | | |
Open Futures Library | Engage with a Library of scenarios | https://openfutures.net/ | | |
Otiyot Hayyot - Otiot Chayot - Otiot Khayyot, Hebrew Letter Movements | http://www.otiyot.com/INDEX.HTM | | |
Overview | Atid EDI | https://atid-edi.com/overview/ | | |
Pardes - Pardes | https://pardes.co.za/ | | |
Pardes | Jewish Rock Radio | https://www.jewishrockradio.com/artist/pardes/ | | |
Pardes and PaRDeS: towards a psychotherapeutic theory - PubMed | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7532631/ | | |
Pardes Hanna The Hipster capital of Israel | The Jewish Agency | https://archive.jewishagency.org/israel-your-community/partnership2gether/hadera-eiron-southeast-us-communities/pardes-hanna-hipster | | |
Pardes Hanna-Karkur - Wikipedia | https://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pardes_Hanna-Karkur | | |
Pardes Levavot – A Jewish Renewal community in Boulder, Colorado | https://pardeslevavot.org/ | | |
Pardes Project - Home page - פרדס אמונה ובטחון | https://www.pardes-project.org.il/en/home/ | | |
Pardes Publishing | https://www.pardes.co.il/?id=about&lang=en | | |
Pardes-Kevah Teaching Fellowship | Pardes | https://www.pardes.org.il/program/na/pardes-adult-educators-bootcamp/?utm_source=May+21%2C+2020+v-am&utm_campaign=Thurs+May+21&utm_medium=email | | |
Pardes: a Shabbas of Creativity | a northwest Jewish spiritual retreat | https://nwretreat.wordpress.com/ | | |
PaRDeS: An Orchard of 21st Century Kaplanian Educational Resources | The Mordecai M. Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood | https://kaplancenter.org/education/educational-visioning-project/pardes/ | | |
Pardes: Jewish Exegesis Pt 1 ‘Peshat’ - Vision Christian Radio | https://vision.org.au/radio/2018/10/08/pardes-jewish-exegesis-pt-1-peshat/ | | |
Partners - קרן רשי | https://rashi.org.il/en/partners/ | | |
Peres Center for Peace & Innovation | About Us | https://www.peres-center.org/en/the-organization/about-us/ | | |
Photography | Jewish Women's Archive | https://jwa.org/topics/photography | | |
Photos - Google Photos | https://photos.google.com/ | | |
Power and 'degenerate' art :: More about the exhibition :: The mad square :: Art Gallery NSW | https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/exhibitions/mad-square/more-about-exhibition/power-and-degenerate-art/ | | |
Programs - UpStart | https://upstartlab.org/programs/ | | |
Rabbi Jill Hammer | Author, teacher, midrashist, mystic, poet, essayist, and priestess | https://rabbijillhammer.com/ | | |
RapidTransformation | Rapid Transformation, LLC, a global consulting firm, works with leaders to plan, mobilize, and implement transformational initiatives to elevate organizational performance and create unprecedented business results. | http://rapidtransformation.com/ | | |
Reboot Strategic Roadmap Overview 2019-2023.pdf - Google Drive | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X5CWDsnVNjeDNZktEP8ViTMEx8gSykF2/view | | |
Reclaiming Judaism as a Spiritual Practice | Reclaiming Judaism | http://www.reclaimingjudaism.org/node/239 | | |
Resources for Educators | jewishideas.org | https://www.jewishideas.org/resources-educators | | |
Reut Group – Where there is no vision, the people perish | https://reutgroup.org/en/ | | |
Reut Group | EN - From Vision to Reality | https://www.reutgroup.org/ | | |
Reverso Context | Translation in context - Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, English | https://context.reverso.net/translation/ | | |
Ritual Design Lab | Bringing meaning into experience & service design | https://www.ritualdesignlab.org/ | | |
Rivkin Society | http://www.rivkinsociety.org/interview.php | | |
Roundtable Discussion on Transformative Experiences (Part 1/3) - YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuXdJoyYPRU | | |
RRJ Booklet Project | Roots of Reform Judaism | https://www.rootsofreformjudaism.org/booklets | | |
Scribing the Tabernacle: A Visual Midrash Embedded in the Torah Scroll - TheTorah.com | https://www.thetorah.com/article/scribing-the-tabernacle-a-visual-midrash-embedded-in-the-torah-scroll | | |
Shalom Hartman Institute | https://www.hartman.org.il/ | | |
Show Archives - NSN | https://nachumsegal.com/show-archives/ | | |
Sicha – Continuing the Conversation | The learning of tradition ...and the tradition of learning | https://sichaconversation.org/ | | |
Split Rock Strategies – Discovery, Analysis, Strategic Planning and Implementation Projects | https://splitrockstrategies.com/ | | |
STE Definition | http://www.eternea.org/STE_definition.aspx | | |
Strategic Plan | Hadar.org | https://www.hadar.org/strategic-plan | | |
Strong's Hebrew: 6508. pardes -- a preserve, park | https://biblehub.com/hebrew/6508.htm | | |
Studio Pardes | https://studiopardes.blogspot.com/ | | |
Synergy Meeting | http://www.irhcgroup.com/hotel-consulting/synergy-meeting/ | | |
TAG Flatbush – Technology Awareness Group | http://tagflatbush.com/ | | |
technology - What makes a smart phone "kosher"? - Mi Yodeya | https://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/108332/what-makes-a-smart-phone-kosher | | |
The “Degenerate Art” Exhibit and the Nazi’s View of Art | https://web.nli.org.il/sites/nli/english/collections/personalsites/israel-germany/world-war-2/pages/degenerate-art.aspx | | |
The acquisitions by Liège at the sale of “degenerate art” in Lucerne — English | https://en.laboverie.com/the-collections/the-beaux-arts-de-liege-collections/survey-of-the-acquisitions-by-the-city-of-liege/the-acquisitions-by-liege-at-the-sale-of-201cdegenerate-art201d-in-lucerne | | |
The Agam Rainbow 24K Gold-Plated Revolving Star of David Kiddush Cup, Judaica | Judaica Webstore | https://www.judaicawebstore.com/the-agam-rainbow-24k-gold-plated-revolving-star-of-david-kiddush-cup | | |
The Aleph-Bet of Jewish Values | http://thealeph-betofjewishvalues.com/ | | |
The Brightline Transformation Compass | https://compass.brightline.org/ | | |
The Collaboratory - UpStart | https://upstartlab.org/the-collaboratory/ | | |
The Creative Process, Part 1 - Breaking through anything blocking our creativity. - Visual Art Gathering - Video | https://www.chabad.org/multimedia/video_cdo/aid/3352890/jewish/The-Creative-Process-Part-1.htm | | |
The Educated By Design Project — The Tech Rabbi | https://thetechrabbi.com/educatedbydesign | | |
The Goldstein-Goren International Center for Jewish Thought - Library of Jewish Thought | https://in.bgu.ac.il/en/humsos/goldstein-goren/Pages/g-g--library.aspx | | |
The Helpful Art Teacher: Degenerate Art: Hitler's War on the Modern Imagination | https://thehelpfulartteacher.blogspot.com/2014/12/degenerate-art-hitlers-war-on-modern.html | | |
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