The Research Synagogue and Digital Beit Midrash

Digital Beit Midrash

The google search below allows for searching a sampling of synagogue websites:

The Beit Midrash is Judaism’s House of Study of the printed historical texts.

The uniqueness of the Digital Beit Midrash is its focus on the Jewish Future.

The uniqueness of the Digital Beit Midrash is its dedication to Researching the Jewish Future through the digital web and the search function as Midrash

A. Museums for the Jewish Virtual Tourist

project – gather website urls – place in google search engine

Morgues for Jewish Life or Lechayim experience?

Global and Time Travel

Recognizing Hebrew words

B. Synagogue websites – indicators and stimulators
Website medium as the message

Creativity, innovation and transformation as the 21st century message.Prayer -jweek
Community effectiveness
Network of webmasters – training and certification
Centers for digital master

OU synagogue Finder

project – gather website urls – place in google search engine

web as art – reform movement

Web Sites using Shul Cloud

C. Digital tree of knowledge warehouse like

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