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From Ruth to Kohelleth – a Visual Midrash Project

From ruth to kohelleth: a study in Hebraic consciousness, reflecting echoes of visual midrash, establishing a transformative experience-based encounter with text and a framework for participant creativity in their own visual midrash.

Adult life, especially around retirement and or relocation, does not come with a user’s manual. The question each of us must ask and answer for ourselves is how can we achieve a meaningful life that will lead to our welcoming each day as a blessing? This workshop explores various roadmaps for personal self-understanding and meaningful goal setting including that of the biblical Jonah, the Song of Songs, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes -each work attributed by tradition to the wise Solomon at progressive stages of his life.

Ruth – Exploring the Future.

David – The David Scenarios

Solomon – The Life Cycle

King Solomon, a model for Adult Jewish Life?  Through the scriptures attributed to the authorship of Solomon, we explore the characteristics of Jewish Adulthood.


Song of Songs – A healthy approach to the sensual and creativity

Proverbs – Maturity and growing Wisdom

Koheleth – Aging, a source of cynicism or life appreciation?

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