An Environmental Multimedia Experience
A Multi-Media Performance Art Environmental Experience
Was it a coincidence that in 2014 , the art that Hitler called “Degenerate” and “Design Home: Jews in Midcentury Modernism” were each the subjects of insightful museum installations? The former was at the Neue Galerie in New York, and the latter at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco.
There is an historical connection , in that the Nazi campaign against the Jews and modern art led to the migration to North America of significant contributors to Midcentury Modernism, many of these contributors of Jewish birth.
Was it against the theme of death by Nazi extermination and birth of the State of Israel that the Jewish impulse for creativity was released? Or was it also the mid Twentieth Century economic expansion in the United States that unleashed opportunities for Jews and others ,unburdened by religious discrimination or anti-Semitism?
Perhaps there has been within Jewish historical culture a deep-seated impetus to see the possible, to add to the beauty and improve the quality of life.
This program utilizes multi-media and performance art to explore Jewish contributions to Mid-Twentieth Century architecture, design, motion picture, theater, music, literature, business and the sciences.
Dellheim’s work is between Degenerate Art and Modernism, helps explain Jewish involvement with Modernism